Tow Show Special

Five Tips for Taking Great Tow Truck Pictures

We see a lot of tow truck pictures here at Lift Marketing Group. With the average towing company website containing no less than 20 images we have experienced our share of bad tow truck pics. That is why I was so delighted to see the March 2015 issue of Tow Times Magazine feature an article about how to take a good tow truck picture. The article provides clear detail on how to make your truck look great. Tow Times doesn’t release their magazine online but I do have an image of the article from Van’s Towing’s Facebook page here.

Here are some of the highlights from the article:

1) Wash the Truck (I know, but you’d be surprised…)

2) Cloudy days are best. Always have the light source (sun) at your back when taking the photo.

3) Shoot the truck from an angle. The best angle is called Front 3/4 Angle. The resulting picture should be 1/4 front and 3/4 side of the truck. Just search Front Three Quarter Angle in Google Images and you will have all sorts of examples.

4) Position camera above the “belt line” of the truck (usually about the height of the bottom of the door glass). This way the picture features more of the truck and lettering and less of the undercarriage and tires.

5) Choose a nondescript background. Its your truck’s time to shine so don’t let it be overshadowed by the stadium or fancy hotel in the background. I often recommend park or mall parking lots on Sunday mornings. Tow Times suggests using a business park or a gravel pit. They all work so long as they don’t overshadow your truck.

Since we are often judged by our trucks its vitally important we take a few minutes to ensure the trucks look their best. Spending an hour or two to get some great shots will serve you for years to come.

Tow Times is an excellent resource for our community. The good folks at this magazine work hard to gather and present important information to the towing industry. If you do not already subscribe to Tow Times consider doing so.

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