Tow Show Special

Google’s Speed Update & Your Towing Website

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Google’s Speed Update & Your Towing Website

How Google’s Speed Update Could be Affecting Your Online Ranking

It’s self-explanatory how important mobile ranking is to a local towing company, so this Google update on page speed is worth paying attention to. This sub-headline says it all:

“Starting in July 2018, Google will finally use mobile page speed as a ranking in their mobile search results.” (source)

Google calls it the “Speed Update” and, quite simply, faster websites now have a far better chance of ranking well in organic Google searches. Not sure what your tow company’s website page speed is? Head over to Google’s PageSpeed Insights, enter your domain, and click “Analyze.”

Google Page Speed colors

There is a lot of technical jargon that might give you a headache, but you can easily see how your towing website performs for both Page Speed and Optimization based on the stoplight color scheme for Slow/Low, Average/Medium, Fast/Good.

Due to current limitations on the Speed Update, your site might not show a Page Speed score.

“The issue with the PageSpeed Insights report is that, because it’s using data from the Chrome Browser, it doesn’t have enough data to reliably measure smaller sites, so the speed portion of the report is unavailable for those users.” (source)

If your towing company falls under Google’s categorization of having a “smaller site” and doesn’t show a Page Speed, you can still draw an approximate Slow, Average or Fast based on the Optimization score. While there is no direct correlation between the two scores, there is enough research to show that the two are a close approximation. You will likely not have a Fast page speed paired with a Low Optimization score.

Don’t let a slow site affect your ranking in lucrative local towing searches. Use Google’s Optimization Suggestions to see how to improve your page speed and optimization.


Lift Marketing Group Case Study

…let us do the work for you. We have the tools in place to make sure your site is lightning fast and has the content needed to rank well in your market. When we partnered with the below client, their site had a Mobile Optimization score of 27 (and an unavailable speed score).

Page Speed Insights Before Lift

After we built them a brand new, mobile-friendly website, that Optimization score jumped up to 95 and the Page Speed received a Fast rating.

Page Speed Insights After Lift

Lift Marketing Group gets towing companies across North America found online–resulting in increased cash calls and increased profit. We are committed to working exclusively with the towing industry to provide the best online tow company marketing. With our Full-Scale FundamentalsReputable Reviews, and Sustained Social Media Cash Call Builders, you get the most comprehensive online marketing services available for towing companies with a no-risk, no-contract relationship.

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If you’re a towing company looking for professional assistance with online marketing strategies, Lift Marketing Group can help. We offer effective marketing plans to elevate your company in search results, to drive more cash calls, and to grow profits 24/7. Contact us now to see how we can help.